Cristeta uses a collection of psychotherapy techniques that aim to address mental health concerns and the symptoms associated with them.
When working with Cristeta, you will work hand-in-hand to explore practices that address:
Cristeta Rillera offers therapy sessions at her Woodland, CA office and through telehealth appointments. During your consultation, choose which option works best for you.
Your mental health is your business, end of story. You can trust any communication between you and Cristeta will be confidential. Finally, there is someone you can trust as you navigate your mental health journey.
When working with Cristeta, you'll be free to express yourself in a judgement-free environment with a therapist who has years of experience working with clients just like you.
We accepted insurance, credit card, and Simple Practice e-pay for payment. Please reach out directly if you have specific questions about payment options.
Testimonials from clients who have found success working with Cristeta Rillera.
Reach out to Cristeta for questions about care, payment options, and to schedule your first therapy session.
Book an appointment today!